5 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Classification of Imbalanced Big Data

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    The problem of classification of imbalanced datasets is a critical one. With an increase in the number of application domains that rely on classification, extensive research has been carried out in this field; with focus directed towards the problem of poor classification accuracy. Of late, the rise in significance of Big Data has forced industries to search for better techniques to handle massive and unstructured datasets; this has led to a need for robust classification algorithms that deal with unbalanced Big Data. This paper surveys the current algorithms provided by Machine Learning for unbalanced dataset classification and considers their possible use for larger or unstructured datasets

    Uncovering Impact of Mental Models towards Adoption of Multi-device Crypto-Wallets

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    The ever-increasing cohort of cryptocurrency users saw a sharp increase in different types of crypto-wallets in the past decade. However, different wallets are non-uniformly adopted in the population today; Specifically, emerging multi-device wallets, even with improved security and availability guarantees over their counterparts, are yet to receive proportionate attention and adoption. This work presents a data-driven investigation into the perceptions of cryptocurrency users towards multi-device wallets today, using a survey of255crypto-wallet users. Our results revealed two significant groups within our participants—Newbies and Non-newbies. These two groups statistically significantly differ in their usage of crypto-wallets. However, both of these groups were concerned with the possibility of their keys getting compromised and yet are unfamiliar with the guarantees offered by multi-device wallets. After educating the participants about the more secure multi-device wallets, around 70% of the participants preferred them; However, almost one-third of participants were still not comfortable using them. Our qualitative analysis revealed a gap between the actual security guarantees and mental models for these participants—they were afraid that using multi-device wallets will result in losing control over keys (and in effect funds) due to the distribution of key shares. We also investigated the preferred default settings for crypto-wallets across our participants, since multi-device wallets allow a wide range of key-share distribution settings. In the distributed server settings of the multi-device wallets, the participants preferred a smaller number of reputed servers (as opposed to a large non-reputed pool). Moreover, considerations about the threat model further affected their preferences, signifying a need for contextualizing default settings. We conclude the discussion by identifying concrete, actionable design avenues for future multi-device wallet developers to improve adoption

    Destination Branding Kabupaten Majalengka Oleh Dinas Pariwisata Dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Majalengka

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    In dealing with tourism issues such as the development of destinations that are not yet optimal, management of the tourism industry that is not yet optimal, as well as tourism resources that have not been integrated, it is necessary to do destination branding in Majalengka Regency. In addition, Majalengka Regency still does not have strong branding that can attract many foreign tourists to visit Majalengka Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the stages of destination branding carried out by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Majalengka Regency in the development of tourism in Majalengka Regency. The method used is a descriptive qualitative research method with a post-positivistic paradigm. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation study. The results of this study indicate that the Department of Tourism and Culture of Majalengka Regency carried out the stages of market investigation, analysis, and strategic recommendations by conducting research mapping market potential analysis through three sources, namely experts from academia as facilitators; potential attraction of natural tourist attractions that are already running and already have decent natural visitors, and scoring techniques. At the Brand identity development stage, Majalengka Regency does not yet have a tourism destination identity because it is still in the process. For the stage of brand launch and introduction using three ways, namely special events, media, and involving the community. At the stage of brand implementation by making programs and tourism activities that involve pentahelix. And for the stages of monitoring, evaluation, and review related to the development of tourism destinations and statistical data of tourists visiting Majalengka Regency. Keywords: Destination Branding; Development; Tourism; Traveler; Majalengka Regency  Abstrak Dalam menghadapi permasalahan kepariwisataan seperti pengembangan destinasi yang belum optimal, pengelolaan industri pariwisata yang belum optimal, serta SDM Pariwisata yang belum terintegrasi perlu dilakukan destination branding di Kabupaten Majalengka. Selain itu Kabupaten Majalengka pun masih belum memiliki branding kuat yang dapat menarik banyak minat wisatawan luar untuk berkunjung ke Kabupaten Majalengka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahapan destination branding yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Majalengka dalam pengembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten Majalengka. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan paradigma post-positivistik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Majalengka melakukan tahapan market investigation, analysis, and strategic recommendations dengan melakukan riset pemetaan analisis potensi pasar melalui tiga sumber yaitu tenaga ahli dari akademisi sebagai fasilitator; potensi daya tarik objek wisata yang secara alami sudah berjalan dan sudah memiliki pengunjung alami yang lumayan, dan teknik skoring. Pada tahap Brand identity development, Kabupaten Majalengka belum memiliki identitas destinasi pariwisata dikarenakan masih dalam proses. Untuk tahapan brand launch and introduction menggunakan tiga cara yaitu special event, media, dan melibatkan komunitas. Pada tahapan brand implementation dengan membuat program serta kegiatan pariwisata yang melibatkan pentahelix. Dan untuk tahapan monitoring, evaluation, and review terkait dengan perkembangan destinasi pariwisata dan data statistik wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Kabupaten Majalengka. Kata Kunci: Destination  Branding; Pengembangan; Pariwisata; Wisatawan; Kabupaten Majalengk

    Use of Tracheostomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: American College of Chest Physicians/American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology/Association of Interventional Pulmonology Program Directors Expert Panel Report

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    BACKGROUND: The role of tracheostomy during the COVID-19 pandemic remains unknown. The goal of this consensus statement is to examine the current evidence for performing tracheostomy in patients with respiratory failure from COVID-19 and offer guidance to physicians on the preparation, timing, and technique while minimizing the risk of infection to health care workers (HCWs). METHODS: A panel including intensivists and interventional pulmonologists from three professional societies representing 13 institutions with experience in managing patients with COVID-19 across a spectrum of health-care environments developed key clinical questions addressing specific topics on tracheostomy in COVID-19. A systematic review of the literature and an established modified Delphi consensus methodology were applied to provide a reliable evidence-based consensus statement and expert panel report. RESULTS: Eight key questions, corresponding to 14 decision points, were rated by the panel. The results were aggregated, resulting in eight main recommendations and five additional remarks intended to guide health-care providers in the decision-making process pertinent to tracheostomy in patients with COVID-19-related respiratory failure. CONCLUSION: This panel suggests performing tracheostomy in patients expected to require prolonged mechanical ventilation. A specific timing of tracheostomy cannot be recommended. There is no evidence for routine repeat reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing in patients with confirmed COVID-19 evaluated for tracheostomy. To reduce the risk of infection in HCWs, we recommend performing the procedure using techniques that minimize aerosolization while wearing enhanced personal protective equipment. The recommendations presented in this statement may change as more experience is gained during this pandemic